
Building the Future of Mobile Esports


Imagine a world where competitive gamers are properly rewarded once the competition ends.

It is time to start earning real money while playing our favorite games. Welcome to the future of mobile esports.

Official Partners

Our story

Gaming isn’t just a “silly” hobby anymore

Mobile gamers spend hundreds of hours playing our favorite games. 


The most dedicated gamers spend tens of thousands of hours refining our skills and strategy so that we can rank high in our favorite mobile games. However, only a handful of publishers support the competitive nature of their communities with esports tournaments and real world prizes, despite their games being home to huge competitive communities and dedicated competitive gamers. 


After years of dedication to honing skills in mobile games without any hope of publisher support, we realized that we all needed a place to put our skills to use and receive the recognition we deserve:  by building an esports platform that will allow us to turn any skill-based mobile game into an esport and win real world prizes doing what we love.


Our oath

Making competitive gaming accessible to everyone


Our oath to the gaming community is simple – we intend to give each mobile gamer a chance to earn real money while competing in their favorite games anywhere in the world. 

We created a virtual arena where anyone can become an esports athlete and show off their skills by competing in endless tournaments.

Our Vision 

Elevating mobile gaming into pro esports

Elevating mobile gaming into pro esports


Gamersarena is where inclusivity lives — it is where players, creators, organizers, brands, teams, leagues, and game publishers collide.

But our ambition goes further – leading the mobile gaming charge on the road to become the future of esports. 

And it all begins with you.


A new era of mobile gaming has begun.

Welcome to Gamersarena.


©2024 GA Esports Sdn Bhd

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